Saturday, May 06, 2006


speaking of flashbacks, I always look at this picture and it makes me smile. this was taken pre-digital camera days. it looks so rustic because one day I took a picture of this picture with my digital camera so that I could have it on my computer. yes i know i could have scanned it but that would have taken too long. anyway, this is joey and i's first official dating picture together. it was at dana's birthday at gotham hall (january 4) and we had had "the talk" on new year's day - you know the talk that goes: "what are we?" so this was our first couple appearance together - like we're some singing duo or whatever. i was so sad that winter season. i went to first saturday Mass in december and we went out to dinner after Mass for Fil's birthday. there were 11 people - 5 couples and me. Jerome happened to notice and was like, "Hey, you're the only single one here." I was like thanks for pointing that out. So my thought process was like, another holiday season solo. But then Mammoth happened and then that's when the transition happened and Joey and I started dating two weeks after that. I saw Jerome again for Jimmy's birthday in January (a month after the previous conversation). I told Jerome "I'm dating someone now" He's like, really? I think that's why they call Joey Mr. Snuffalufugus - he was someone in my imagination that I had made up in the course of a month. anywho, that's us over two years ago. I'm glad how things worked out.


Anonymous said...

oh kay, i'm so sorry jerome gave you such a hard time. he says he was an instrument of fate - his comment made you depressed, which made you more vulnerable, which made joey's job easier. hehehe.

the more we tease, the more we love! :)

kay said...

oh, don't feel bad. it makes the story better =) if you guys didn't tease then i know there'd be something wrong. love ya!

Dana said...

yes... i agree with pia, the more we tease, the more we love. i guess i should tease you more. :)

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