Monday, June 26, 2006

they come in three

this really sucks but please pray for joey's grandma. when we came home from the funeral on friday, his grandma's youngest sister, aunt shirley, got a phone call that their brother, kilroy had died. they didn't tell grandma until yesterday because saturday we still had the birthday party for grandpa that we were supposed to have. so then they told her yesterday. and then they come to find out that their other brother, raul, died yesterday. so within a week her husband and 2 brothers died. how sad is that? so please, thoughts and prayers for joey's familia yet once again.

joey called me last night from work. he said that a piece of metal had hit his head and that his head was bleeding. i asked if he had any pain - he said he had a headache. i asked if he was dizzy or lightheaded and he said no. he said that his head was continuing to bleed. i thought he would be ok because the scalp is pretty vascular so yes it would bleed but it would be ok. he called me back in a little bit and said he had talked to his mom and she said that he should get it checked out. since it fell under workers' comp, he decided it wouldn't hurt. so he decides to go to UCI since it's on the way home. meanwhile, i'm taking my patient down to interventional radiology. so once my patient was stable, i meet joey in the er where he's checked in. he's got a small abrasion on his head - nothing that seems too serious. i'm there when the triage nurse checks him out and his BP is high. they re-take it and it's still high but not as high. he gets a bed and then the doctor checks him out - the cuts superficial, just bled for a while because it's so vascular. they gave him a tetanus shot, filled out his paperwork and sent him on his way. i told him to call me when he got home to make sure he was ok. he did but he also got locked out of the house. no one ever locks his grandma's doors but for some reason, they did. so i think he slept in the pool house, i still haven't talked to him yet. he's had a bad week.


Dana said...

wow. that's crazy. i'll pray for his family again. poor joey.

franny said...

i'm sorry to hear all that! i'll definitely keep his family in my prayers!

dorothy said...

oh wow, condolences kay...