Friday, March 03, 2006


does anyone know if - according to superstition - it is bad to be partnered with your significant other in a wedding? my grandma once told me that because my uncle and aunt were partnered together and she didn't like it because it was superstitious not to. they ended up divorced :(
then i told mark that joey and i were going to be in the wedding and he said just to make sure that we weren't partnered up together because it's bad luck. those are two totally different sources but with the same advice. anyone else hear of this or am i just being paranoid?


Anonymous said...

I hate to sound like a cliche, but love isn't about luck (good or bad). It's a choice - and putting faith in superstition is also a choice. On a lighter note, some of the couples (including me and Jerome) we know have been partnered up in weddings and they're still going strong together.

Anonymous said...

weddings are ok i think. kinda. it's those baptism's you gotta watch out for!

-- herman

kay said...

thanks guys! i know i shouldn't believe in these things but it came up so i had to ask other opinions. we'll see how the bride and groom pair us up and i think we'll be good. thanks again!