Thursday, January 05, 2006

mixed emotions

today was my last day at mercury. i was totally fine all day - exit interview, talking with my co-workers and stuff. and when it came to the end of the day today, I was going to begin my good-byes. i started with my manager and then i just lost it. my eyes started to tear and I had to walk away. I told her that I would go take some pictures to make myself feel better and then I would be back. I tried to let it all out and compose myself so I came back into the branch. I wanted to take some pictures of my clerical staff and i couldn't even talk. One of the girls gave me a hug and then I totally lost it. but then I composed myself again. i talked to one of the supervisors and she said how we had all grown - I had been there for 3 years and they were all so supportive of me during nursing school. they usually don't take part-time people but they thought i was still useful and they kept me. they helped me pay my way through school. anyway, I composed myself again and made my way to my other supervisors with little tears then headed over to my manager. she is awesome. gave me the most flexibility I could have and really understood that i wanted to follow my dreams of being a nurse but still had to pay the bills. she is one awesome lady. and then, when I got home, as if to end my casualty adjuster career, I got my RN-IP in the mail - my interim perit from the BRN. weird huh. talk about coincidence.


franny said...

CONGRATULATIONS, kay! great way to start the new year! you are soooo awesome! and i miss you girl! take care. & happy new year!

Anonymous said...

congratulations. Now you'll be able to afford joey more with your nursing money!!!...

photo website please....

kay said...

thanks guys! ray it's connected to toot's blog. it used to be ...

Dana said...

hahahahaha!!! afford joey! HAHAHAHAHA!!! mr. snuffalufagus.