Sunday, January 08, 2006

sonicare, wedding crashers and anniversaries

it was our 2-year anniversary on saturday - me and joey's that is. we had no idea what to get each other. i had suggested earlier in the week that we should not get each other anything and simply enjoy each other's company. joey laughed but i thought it was a good idea. so all week long, i've been telling him that i haven't gotten him anything and he said the same thing. neither of us had time to go shopping. so after dana's bday dinner, we went to his sister's house. we were all hanging out and playing cards and then at midnight i greeted him happy anniversary. happy anniversary and that was it. cool. i was safe.
then when we were leaving, he hands me this bag. i had a feeling about the bag because his cousin said "it's in here" earlier in the night. so, lo and behold, he did get me a present. part of my wish list from my kris kringle was a sonicare toothbrush. since i didn't get it from my kris kringle, that's what joey got me. i was so mad. not mad, but i just felt bad. he had got his cousin to buy it for me because he didn't have time to do so himself. sweet huh? but i ended up to be the bad significant other. that made me determined. i had a full 24-hours to come up with a gift. but i had to go to my cousin's son's bday on saturday. so i went shopping early in the day - while he was at work. i ended up getting him the iPod transmitter thing he wanted, Angels and Demons hardback because he refuses to read the paperback and Wedding Crashers on DVD - he watched the movie without me first and he tells me, "there's this girl in the movie that reminds me of you" we wait another 2 weeks before we go watch it together. meanwhile mina and him have conversations, laughing hysterically, at how mina can see how this crazy girl reminds him of me. we go watch it and i DO NOT act like that crazy girl. only when she says "until I find you" I do do that sometimes ;p anyway, when he was done with work we had some chinese food as we watched the laker game and watched 40-year-old virgin. happy anniversary bubba!


Dana said...

wow... that crazy girl IS you!!! muahahahahaha

lil jay said...

DUDE! I got a SONICARE this x-mas too!!!

That thing rocks, but it's still taking a bit of getting used to. It tickles the roof of my mouth when I do the 2nd quadrant...he he he