Sunday, May 06, 2007


Pia made me cry at Mass yesterday. Choir was small - Jimmy, Fil, Gil, Jerome, Pia and I - and Annika too. But the Hosana in the Highest is my favorite Mass part because of the little solos that Pia /Dexie and Fil do that resonate and linger. The sounds are just so beautiful. And Saturday when I was standing next to Pia and heard her sing it - it was so beautiful in my ear. It made me realize that God has truly blessed me with His love and I see and hear Him through these people and their musical talents. And they will be there to sing that same Hosana at our wedding. and that day it will probably make me cry even more. I can't wait


Pia said...

So that's why you started lipsynching in the middle of the song! you're funny, kay :)

kay said...

that would be why ... i was all choked up. it was just so beautiful and i couldn't imagine our wedding any other way =)

dorothy said...

awww, that's my favorite mass part too! can't wait to hear it again!