Thursday, May 17, 2007

didn't we almost have it all

what a title
this is the first time that i've watched grey's anatomy live in a long time
and every time i do, it makes me cry
and this one made me cry on all levels
geez ....
burke's vows made me cry
bailey not getting chief resident made me cry
izzie - george - callie thing made me cry
meredith - derek made me cry
everything made me cry
i'm a big cry baby
but that lexie grey is probably meredith's half-sister. that's my thinking.
but what about all the other characters?
did burke really leave?
where is george going to go?
what is bailey going to do not being chief resident?
so many questions ...
but i guess we'll see addison on private practice ....
and find out the rest next season
wow ... already season 4 next season ...


franny said...

i cried too!

lexie grey is mer's half-sister. and i think she's the same girl that flirted with mcdreamy in the bar in the last episode before the finale.

kay said...

oh .... i didn't know that she was the same girl... that's interesting

angfoo said...

Yes. Fran that is true.

Kay, you didn't cry during Richard and Adele?


kay said...

oh ur right. i did. when i thought she died. good call ang.

PeyVav said...

haven't had the chance of seeing it yet --- but looks interesting ...