Monday, November 13, 2006


so joey and i met with gomez on friday for the first time. we took the FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study) test - which is basically kind of like the compatability test for engaged couples to see how they think on different issues. for the most part we did ok.

what we scored highest on was:

personal issues
family / extended relationships
communication (surprisingly)

what we scored lowest on was :
values / beliefs
financial issues

Gomez said that it wasn't bad - he's seen a lot worse - and it gives us something to work on before the wedding. He said that the issues that cause the most problems are financial, communication and infidelity. so being low one of three isn't bad. I'm scared and excited all at the same time. kinda weird. one of our uncertains was our method of family planning and gomez recommended this one clinic we go to learn all the methods of natural family planning. tell me how weird that is coming from your godfather. anyway, we also went over the engagement encounter stuff - i think we're going in March. Joey wasn't too excited about the "Saturday evening group discussion." he makes an "uh" sound every time we read it. but he'll get over it. i'm so excited!

1 comment:

dorothy said...

i've heard only great things about engagement encounter... even from non-catholics who were sooo not looking forward to the whole thing! i hope you guys get to book the santa barbara location. i hear they have the best view and the best food!