Monday, November 21, 2005

Tamales and Trojans

So saturday was annual tamale day at Joey's mom's house. Even though Joey's Mexican on his dad's side, his mom, the white side, is the maker of the tamales. Every year I get all excited at Christmas time because Joey would always bring over tamales and this year I got to help! I was so excited. Joey said that because it was my first year, I had to start at the bottom of the todem pole, as a corn husker. So what job did I get when we got to the house? I was the corn husker. But things have vastly improved since times of old. I just had to sift, separate and soak the husks then rinse, wring and bring them over to the spreader table. These things seriously take all day long!
But I moved up to spreader quite fast! I got to spread the maza (already mixed with sweet corn) but that's where my experience left me. The cheese and chili were left to the more experienced ones. At the end of the day I think we made 9 dozen and they were yummy! Next up, beef!

After that, we watched the SC game against Fresno State. I love USC football! Go Trojans! The game was nuts and then with 2 margaitas, it was even more nuts! Don't forget, Bruins vs. Trojans on December 3 - the same day as the Christmas party! I promise I'll be a good hostess still - I'll make Joey set it on his DVR. That was my Saturday ... til next time!

1 comment:

Dana said...

mmmmmm tamales. where's mine?!