I've come to enjoy my bath nowadays. my hair is getting so long mama can make a mohawk in my bathtub!
Here's me and my cousin Asher. we're only a pound apart!
Here's me and my great grandma spot. i really do have some okie blood in me - promise.
here's me and my filipino side. my lola and my lola lola, my ninang jenn and my cousin sara.
here's my uncle gabe and my dada with their two favorite girls ...
here's my lola and lolo with their favorite granddaughters ...
and here's me and my mama and my ninang jenn and sara joy. and uncle gabe snuck in the background. he's so silly ...
That's so funny Kaylee Jo b/c I have the same picture with the 4 of us girls but with Uncle Joey sticking his head in the picture. Your daddy and Uncle Gabe are so silly. :P
HAHA. In the picture with all the ladies, everyone is looking off to another camera (even sara joy) except for Jen. I don't know why but I think it's funny!
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