Monday, November 10, 2008

this darn virus

there's a virus going around my family.
first joey's dad.
then asher - joey's nephew
then michelle - joey's sister
then kaylee jo
then joey.
now my mom.
basically it's making them spew out of both ends. it lasts for 24 - 48 hours but they are a long 24- 48 hours. joey called me on thursday when i was on my way to work saying the baby had spit up. i said she probably overate. he called me again and said she spit up again and she pooed. i said maybe my milk was bad. then he said she kept crying and crying. she spit up a few more times before he took her to his mom's. she said to let her stomach rest. she was so tired from all the throwing up that she slept the whole night. she ate that morning and was still having watery stools but was in a better mood and able to keep down her milk. so she started on the road to recovery. i knew it was bad for joey when he came home from work on saturday morning. joey has never called in sick in his life. he always works. saturday morning he said he threw up about 3:30 AM and then when he woke up around 5 to go to work i was talking to him and he again threw up but he proceeded to go to work - which started at 6:30. i was up with the baby at about 8 and i suddenly heard the door swing open. he came in as pale as the wall. then he was in bed all of saturday until sunday morning. poor thing. but he's getting better. then my mom called me earlier and said she called in sick today because she got this stomach thing. here's hoping that my immune system can withstand this nasty virus because it doesn't sound fun.

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