Friday, May 26, 2006


my examples of laughter. please just imagine the sound. that's me laughing at something. i think something's really funny.
this is my nephew, lucas. can you see the laughter? it's more of a screech at this point.
i think this is alcohol-induced laughter, but laughter none the less. doesn't joey look like a joker?

one of the things that i love doing is laughing. it's fun and it makes me laugh more. i was talking to my the other day and she has a new laugh. for those of you that don't know, mina has a silent laugh so since most of our communication is over the phone, she wants to make sure that we know she's laughing. so she has "found" a new laugh. it's gross. so gross that it makes you laugh too. ask her to do it for you. put her on speaker phone so others can laugh with you. it's gross.
yesterday joey visited me before i went to work. i lost a bet with him the other day because i didn't phrase my question to cristina correctly. so we drove my car and then when i was getting out of the car, i couldn't find my id badge. i searched through my purse and then i found it in my car. well, we had ordered our food and i looked in my purse and realized that i didn't have my wallet. joey looked at me and said "how convenient." i always tend to misplace my wallet when i need to pay for lunch - but seriously i couldn't find it. when we got back to the car after lunch, there, sitting on my chair, was my wallet. "how convenient" he again responded and we both burst into laughter. and it was like jolly laughter, straight from the belly, hearty, whole. it was nice. one of the first things that i noticed when joey and i were together was his laughter. although we were roomies for three years, i never really noticed him laugh before because he always was so melancholy. but now he laughs. and i laugh with him. and we laugh together. i love it.

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