Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry CHRISTmas!

Hope everyone had a very Merry CHRISTmas! Hope it was filled with family, friends and love! I can't wait to upload pictures! I think that should be my new year's resolution -start uploading pictures again! anyway, hope everyone had a beautiful day and left their cares away :)

joey and i went to midnight Mass together and then went to Denny's with Joey and Ritanna and didn't sleep til 4 AM. got up to go and opened our stockings - we had to fill each other's stockings in the house (he even got a tea kettle to fit in mine - just kidding - he added a backpack and put a tea kettle inside) and then went to his parents' house to open presents, went to my parents' house to eat, watch the Lakers game and take lots of pictures, went back to Joey's parents to eat some more and play the Wii, went to Grish's restaurant to have Christmas with friends, then went back to Joey's parents' a third time to take family pictures. Then we finally got to go home and sleep. what a day! but filled with family and friends! MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!

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